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In Tuscany, the tradition of harvesting olives begins in late October/early November and usually continues until mid-December, depending on the climatic conditions in order to harvest the fruit at the optimal time.

We love to harvest our own olives, and although it is very tiring, we do it with pride because we know what satisfaction that fresh olive oil brings. If you want to visit us during harvest time, you too can try your hand at harvesting.

Producing a good extra virgin olive oil requires knowledge of the land, the olive trees and the practices involved in caring for the trees to keep them healthy and strong. Many factors can affect the eventual quality of the oil like the variety of olive trees, pruning, fertilization, and climate. All of these things influence the maturation, the type of harvest, and the time in which to collects the olives.

Extra virgin olive oil is becoming increasingly important throughout the world, although we are a long way off from a true “culture” of oil where every consumer of this precious product has the knowledge to distinguish the merits and defects of various oil so as not to be misled when making a choice. Supermarkets today have many varieties of olive oil, but only a label with “extra virgin olive oil” can guarantee the consumer quality, yet another reason to buy extra virgin olive oil from a company that you know and trust!

If you visit Tuscany during the olive harvest, you will see all of our family participating in this annual ritual because we believe in what we do to get the highest quality from our products. When you taste the freshness of oil just harvested and smell its intense fragrance, you’ll understand how wonderful this natural product is and how it doesn’t compare with anything you’ve ever tasted before!

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