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The Nobile Trail or Sentiero del Nobile begins in Montepulciano and wends its way through 18.3 kilometers of rolling countryside that is home to olive groves

and vineyards of the famous Vino Nobile di Montepulciano from which the trail takes its name. It begins at the sanctuary of Saint Agnese, just a few meters from the medieval walls surrounding the historic town of Montepulciano, and then touches the cathedral of San Biagio, symbol of the 1500s and the work of Antonio da

Sangallo the old. Next, the trail descends among the evocative landscape of the Church of Our Lady of the Oaks and the woodlands of the Madonna del Cerro, then

on to the Nature Reserve at the Lake of Montepulciano located on the Sentiero della Bonifica.

The Nobile Trail starts at an altitude of 520 meters above sea level and reaches a finishes at 251 m s.l.m.

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